Thursday 23 July 2015

After the storm the previous day we woke to a cloudy, humid morning with the freshness of the rain hanging in the air. After a typical final French breakfast we set off to walk down from the village past the Chapel of St Maurice, parts of which date back to the nine century. The path continued along part of what was a Roman road and formerly a main route across the Swiss border - today there was just myself, Bert and Wee Man crossing.
At the first village we decided that it was time enough to search out a coffee spot. A local gentleman bid us bonjour and after asking the question we were told the hotel was closed but the local shop served coffee! Sure enough the hotel was closed so we turned round and popped into the shop. Two coffees later, a chat with the locals and we were once more on our way.
The area around here is littered with tank defences and bunkers from the Second World War. Some of the bunkers have been turned into barns and accommodation.
The route continued steeply down out into the valley bottom, before briefly climbing once more to pass alongside the valley gorge and the river snaking through it. We were in and out of the shade of the trees and the air was sticky and humid.

Once replete we head off to our accommodation which we had booked the previous night. Prices are generally expensive for accommodation and food in Switzerland, so any opportunity to save money is welcome. For this night we are Pilgrim guests of Bernard and Annette and our room was a small flat in the attic of there large farm house. With a small kitchen and living / sleeping area, we did want for anything more. Bert informed me he did not cook so I offered to rustle something up. Once the shopping was completed we were soon dining on pasta arrabiata, fresh salad and a cool Chardonney to wash it down with.
With all the chores completed we just mooched around the flat before eventually heading outside and the cool evening air and then finally to bed.
Distance - 17.9 kilometres
Distance from Citeaux Abbey, Dijon - 134.2 kilometres
Distance from Citeaux Abbey, Dijon - 134.2 kilometres
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