Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Short walk + shopping in Maidstone + storm of all storms !

Friday 18 July

There were only a few miles to cover today, but this fitted well with the need to do some provision shopping Maidstone.

We made our way back through the enormous Buckmore Park site to get onto the walking route. 

The walk / cycle was straight forward today and was again in very hot weather.  We were booked into a campsite on the outskirts of Detling.  We arrived early afternoon at the campsite, and I left pretty much straight after to cycle to the bus stop and catch a bus to Maidstone ( the roads were way too busy for me to cycle there, plus I wanted the novelty on travelling faster than my two wheels would take me ).  In the meantime Tony had a much deserved shower and restful afternoon.

The evening came and we knew that a storm was due.   After tea we hammered down the tent pegs and even put down the extra guy lines.  The sky started to change colour in the distance and the clouds rolled up like whipped cream as the various weather fronts headed our way.  We could hear the thunder and see the lightening on the horizon too.  Soon enough the sky over us was various shades of black, grey and sunset reds with the electric storm ( we were under a group of tree so were pleased that it wasn't fork lightening ).  HUGE claps of thunder and lightening but with surprisingly little rain ( only a drizzle at most ).  We sat with our tent open for a wee while and watched the sky change colour with the lightening strikes, and later zipped ourselves in to listen to it all from the protection of our hardy little tent. We fell asleep as the storm continued, but it then woke us both up again at about 4 am with the loudest clap of thunder either of us had ever heard - it sounded and felt like the earth was about to open up.  It went on for about another hour as it rumbled past like a huge angry beast. Eventually we both drifted off to la la land……..
Amusing mental image ...

Proof that we are heading in right direction

Distance - 5 miles
Distance since Helmsley - 450.75 miles

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